إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

الثلاثاء، 7 ديسمبر 2010

Andy Stanley – The Upside of Tension (Leadership Summit 2010)

The right amount of pressure & tension can be used to pick up a contact lens and/or throw a baseball. The key is to leverage that tension appropriately.

1. Every organization has problems that shouldn’t be SOLVED and tensions that should be RESOLVED.

A. For example: Whats more important?
*Working and/or Family
*Preaching inspired by the Holy Spirit and/or getting kids back from volunteers on time.
*Excellence vs Sound Financial decisions
*Theology and/or Application
B. If you “resolve” any of those tensions, you will CREATE new tensions.
*We have to learn to manage these problems and tensions … not solve/resolve them.
C. If you resolve any of those tensions, you create a barrier to progress.
D. Progress depends not on the resolution of those tensions but on the successful MANAGEMENT of those tensions.
*When there are two opposing forces, you must create a third option/category, otherwise you end up with a win/lose. Or a lose/lose situation

2. To distinguish between problems to solve and tensions to manage, ask the following:

*Does this problem or tension keep resurfacing?
*Are there mature advocates for both sides?
ex. Keep church safe for seekers vs need to mature Christians
*Are the two sides really independent?

3. The role of leadership is to LEVERAGE the tension to the benefit of the organization.
A. Identify the tensions to be managed in your organization.
C. Inform your CORE.
*Key players must understand the principle or catch the vision.
D. Continually give VALUE to both sides.
E. Don’t weigh in too heavily on your personal biases.
*Understand the UP SIDE of the opposite side.
F. Don’t allow strong personalities to WIN the day.
*You need passionate people to champion a side, but also a mature person that realizes it’s a tension that won’t ever be resolved.
G. Don;t think in terms of balance. Think RHYTHM
*Don’t try to be fair. – not we did x last year so to be fair lets do y this year.
*Understand timing, time to learn, time to serve, time to preach/time to sing.
*Identify tensions (not solvable) … and identify problems that do NEED to be solved.

CONCLUSION: As a leader, one of the most valuable things you can do for your organization is differentiate between tensions your organization will always need to manage vs problems that need to be solv


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