إجمالي مرات مشاهدة الصفحة

السبت، 30 يناير 2010

How to be a successful single

How to be an unsuccessful single:

  • See being single as a condition that needs to be cured.

  • Be on a constant lookout for that one person that is going to make everything right.

  • Put off living your life until you meet someone.

  • Believe that no matter what you do, you will wind up hurt.

  • Resign yourself to being alone and miserable the rest of your life.

  • Take on a victim mentality and there is nothing you can do about your life.

  • Believe the lie that "all the good ones are taken.

How to be a successful single:

  • Don't put your life on hold waiting for a relationship to happen.

  • Find your life's vision and purpose and live it while you are single.

  • One of the best ways to find your life partner is to be a happy, successful single person living the life that you really want.

  • Know what types of people are bad for you and avoid them.

  • Don't just wait for someone to come knocking at your door. It can be a long wait. Get out into social situations.

  • Seek out healthy choices in potential partners.

  • Always keep in mind that it only takes one.

  • Create an attractive and compelling life that someone would be eager to be a part of.

  • In other words, view being single not as a condition to be cured, but as an opportunity to be explored and lived out to its fullest.

If you let your singleness control you, it will lead you on a path of destruction, and the further into that path you go, the harder it will be to get out.

I remember when I was a kid, I was watching this cartoon where a character put a marble-sized snowball at the top of a snowy hill and rolled it down. As the snowball rolled down the hill, it got bigger and bigger, and when it reached the bottom of the hill, the snowball was huge, and it pummeled the character at the bottom of the hill. A path of destruction is like this snowball. The problem starts out small. If you fail to take care of the problem, it will get bigger and bigger, then it will pummel you

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الخميس، 28 يناير 2010

Distraction is another way to take your mind off of being single. Look at hobbies or do-it-yourself projects you can take up. Consider taking classes or workshops. If you’re part of a church, find ways you can get more involved. Find opportunities to volunteer in your community (e.g., hospitals, nursing homes, Red Cross, Salvation Army, shelters, food pantries, etc.) Think of things that you might want to learn or may have even the slightest interest in and see what’s available in those areas. Be proactive and take the initiative to organize something that you could include others in. You may not be able to change your singleness, but you can change what occupies your time. Basically the point here is - don't do something about your singleness, do something with your singleness. Focusing on your strengths and abilities will help you to heal.

“How exactly do I become a successful single”

Begin by looking at being single as a voluntary choice rather than a forced situation.

Mary Engelbreit said, "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it."

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Being Single

Being single can give you a deeper awareness of who you really are - not someone as defined by a relationship

During the initial stages of a relationship, you try to make yourself look as good as possible to impress the other person, and often find yourself saying and doing things you normally wouldn’t do. Being single allows you to be yourself and develop who you really are.

Once you move past the “grass is greener on the other side” way of thinking, you will then be ready to make the most of being single.

John Wooden said, “Things turn out best for people who make the best out of the way things turn out.”
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Being single means you have more freedom. You answer to no one. If you’re single, you don’t have to let anyone know when you decide to go somewhere

Being single allows you to be your own person and really just do as you please

Being single allows you to make your own choices

Advantages of Being Single

- You can really focus on your career, education, fitness, and goals.

- You have time to improve yourself and become a better person.

- You are free. You don’t have anything holding you down or back.

- You don’t have to listen to any bitching.

السبت، 23 يناير 2010

Do not escape

This world is tough; people who try to escape usually end broken or depressed. If you want to achieve your goals or make your dreams come true then you should search for any other identity other than someone who runs away from his problems instead of solving them
Controlling your emotions doesn't mean ignoring them. It means recognizing them, and either acting on them or learning how to change them when you need to do so.

Sometimes you find your life flowing in directions that you haven't anticipated. You may feel depressed about something that happened in the past, or anxious about something that may yet happen. You may find yourself feeling lonely even when you're not alone, unsuccessful although you’ve tried hard, lacking confidence although you lack no resources, broken-hearted because someone left you, or even worse - feeling bad without knowing why.

Unfortunately, unlike machines or gadgets, which are easy enough to fix, knowing how to treat one’s own problems may elude many. The human being is the ultimate machine, if you know how to use it well; you will be able to take control of your life instead of letting it control you. You will be able to succeed under any conditions and you will be able to live a happy life

السبت، 2 يناير 2010

Psalm 38

Forsake me not, O LORD That is, Do not leave me in my troubles, my sickness, my sorrow. Leave me not to die; leave me not to complain and dishonor thee; leave me not to the reproaches of my enemies

Come quickly to give me help, O Lord, my salvation.
Do not give me up, O Lord; O my God, be near to me.

we may feel equally guilty before God, and yet be entirely innocent of any wrong to our fellow men.

He would rather have the hatred of all the world, than fail in any part of his duty to God.


Lord, all my desire is before you; my sorrow is not kept secret from you.

Lord, all my desire is before thee That is, Thou knowest all that I would ask or that I need. This is the expression of one who felt that his only hope was in God, and that He fully understood the case. There was no need of repeating the request. He was willing to leave the whole case with God.